
Frequently Asked Questions

What is your refund policy?

  • If you cancel any time before the start of your second lesson, 100% will be

    credited to your account. If you prefer a refund, 95% will be refunded to your

    credit/debit card. (Max Aquatics incurs a credit/debit card transaction fee of

    approximately 2.5% on both the purchase and refund of a transaction).

  • If you cancel after the 2nd lesson or before the start of the 3rd lesson, you will

    receive a 50% credit to your account for the remaining lessons.  The credit can be

    used for future purchases and does not expire.

  • If you cancel after the start of the 3rd lesson, no refund or credit will be given.

  • NO make-up classes, refunds or credits will be issued for missed classes.

  • If Max Aquatics cancels a lesson, a make-up class will be scheduled or a credit

    will be added to your account.